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Lesson 7 Labor Law Writing Assignment

Lesson 7 Labor Law Writing Assignment

Q After reading the text and lesson commentary, choose one of the three fact patterns and answer the questions posed. Identify potentially applicable employment laws from the textbook materials that may be applicable to the fact pattern provided. Identify applicable laws even if more information is needed to determine applicability with certainty. State whether the facts suggest that the law was violated. Provide concise analysis on why there may have been a violation and on what steps should have been taken to avoid the violation. Fact Patterns 1. A 36-year-old fitness coach at a local gym has the most experience of all the staff and works the most hours. She became pregnant. After a few months, she could no longer work the hours required to cover her shifts. She was terminated and replaced with a 20-year-old fitness coach. 2. A 44-year-old male firefighter has been working in his city for ten years. He has been consistently recognized as a high-quality member of the team, and he even won an honor award for saving a woman from a collapsing building. At the staff’s annual fall dinner, he brought his partner whom he began dating earlier in the year. The chief called him into his office on Monday following the dinner and terminated him. He did not provide any explanation other than “it was just not working out.” The firefighter suspects it was his personal relationship that led to his termination. 3. A 54-year-old female mid-level manager has been working for the bank for 20 years. In prior annual reviews for five years she received above average reviews and a 4% increase in salary each year. Her immediate supervisor has recently been replaced. Now her new supervisor requires her to complete many additional tasks and assume numerous additional responsibilities. Other managers at her same level are not receiving these additional tasks and responsibilities. In her last two annual reviews, her new supervisor gave poor scores. In the last year, she was put on probation. She was terminated yesterday. Requirements • Draft a response of 150–250 words. • Please reference the number of the fact pattern to which you are responding, or copy and paste the actual scenario in your response. • Please edit and refine your work to improve quality and correct errors before you submit it. Rubric Writing Assignment Rubric Writing Assignment Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Subject Matter 15 pts High quality, substantive written response that clearly and fully addresses the assignment instructions, expectations, and subject matter. 12 pts Submission adheres to assignment instructions, but may not make connections to the lesson or deviates slightly from assignment expectations or subject matter. 9 pts Submission examines assignment instructions, but makes limited connections to the lesson or deviates moderately from assignment expectations or subject matter. 6 pts Submission loosely addresses the assignment instructions and expectations, and/or does not make connections to the lesson or subject matter. 0 pts No Marks 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis 15 pts Correctly identifies and thoroughly, thoughtfully analyzes all relevant factors related to the assignment. 12 pts Identifies and thoughtfully analyzes most relevant factors related to the assignment. 9 pts Identifies and analyzes relevant factors related to the assignment, but there are some omissions in identification and/or analysis. 6 pts Failed to identify and/or analyze many relevant factors related to the assignment. 0 pts No Marks 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality and References 10 pts Organized, refined, and well-written submission that uses proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure expected of a college-level business student. Submission follows a logical flow and includes references to supporting course materials. External references are cited appropriately where utilized. 8 pts Consistently uses proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and logical flow with few exceptions. Submission includes references to supporting course materials, and outside sources are cited where utilized. 6 pts Submission includes minor issues with grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure, and/or issues with organization. Submission includes references to course materials, but lacks external citations where appropriate. 4 pts Submission includes several instances of improper grammar, punctuation and/or sentence structure and/or does not exhibit a logical flow. Submission alludes to sources generally but does not include any references or citations. 0 pts No Marks 10 pts Total Points: 40 PreviousNext

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1. A 36-year-old fitness coach at a local gym has the most experience of all the staff and works the most hours. She became pregnant. After a few months, she could no longer work the hours required to cover her shifts. She was terminated and replaced with a 20-year-old fitness coach. In the first case, the 36-year-old fitness pregnant coach at a local gym was terminated after a few months due to she could no longer work the hours required to cover her shift. She was replaced with a 20-year-old fitness coach. This is now a part of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Since she was no longer mentally and physically able to do the work, they let her go because she was pregnant.